Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Reading Notes: The Voyages of Sinbad Part B

Sinbad's Fifth Voyage
By Gustave Dore found on Wikipedia

Sinbad went on a fifth voyage. This time he set sail on his very own ship with a crew of merchants from other countries. On the journey, they saw a giant bird egg with a beak sticking out. Sinbad warned the crew not to go near it; however, the crew decided to hatch the egg and eat the baby bird meat. The mother bird came back and destroyed the crew and ship, leaving Sinbad alone again. Sinbad drifted to another island with a lot of fruit and a crystal stream. He saw a man who wanted help getting across the river to the fruit. The man would not let go of Sinbad for a few days. Sinbad got the man drunk and the man relaxed his grip so that Sinbad could get free. Sinbad killed the man and was rescued by a ship. Sinbad learned the man was a creature who ends up strangling victims. They ship then gathered many coconuts and Sinbad returned home, once again rich. On the sixth voyage, Sinbad crashed into a mountainous island where sailors never return from. He finally floated down a cave river and collected jewels on the way. He landed at a beautiful city and became friends with the King. He explored the island before returning home with many gifts and riches. On his seventh voyage, he agreed to carry gifts back to the King of Serendib. On the trip home, his crew was captured by pirates and he was sold into slavery. Sinbad and his master killed many elephants to sell for ivory; however, one day the elephants learned what was happening. They took Sinbad and his master to their graveyard to use already dead elephants rather than killing living ones. Sinbad was released for showing the merchants where the graveyard was. He was afraid to sail the sea anymore so he traveled home by land and never left again.

The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1898).

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