Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Reading Notes: Raja Rasalu Part B

Raja Rasalu was riding through a forest. He met a hunter who played the yute to attract animals to himself. Then he would pick an animal to kill and eat. Rasalu then took him as a disciple with 3 rules: not to tell anyone about Rasalu, not to shoot arrows on the south side, not to kill the deer on the south side. He immediately broke rule 1. Leaving to go to the forest early the next morning, he asked his wife to make breakfast extra early. The wife had to get goat before the sun came up. The butcher thought she could be a witch and would not open his doors. The man left without breakfast, and broke rule 2 by going to the south forest. He then killed the deer in the south which broke rule 3. Then was bit by a viper and died because he broke all 3 rules. The deer’s wife then wanted to kill herself because she couldn’t live without her buck husband. The wife gave birth to 2 deer who immediately died. Then a jackal came and died trying to destroy the man’s bow. The man’s horse refused to carry the dead body because he broke the 3 rules, so Rasalu asked the horse to simply show him where the man lived. The man’s wife claimed Rasalu killed him, and Rasalu was sentenced to trial. Rasalu refused and the king had to send men to get him. Rasalu won trial and buried the man. 

Doe and Buck like in the story
No author given. Found on Wiki

 The Adventures of the Punjab Hero Raja Rasalu by Charles Swynnerton (1884). Link

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