Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Reading Notes: Homer's Illiad, Part A

Triumph of Achilles
Painter: Franz Matsch (died 1942). Wiki

Notes: The King of Sparta’s daughter chose a husband amongst many friends. The king made all the men swear not to be a sore loser if they are not chosen by Helen. The men swore that if anything happened to Helen, they would help get her back…and what do you know, something happened to Helen. She was abducted and the Princes of Greece were called upon to get her back. The Princes got tired after 9 years of sieging the city of Troy and gave up. They went and took other cities nearby including a girl. A priest tried to buy the girl back but Agamemnon said “Nope.” So the priest prayed to Apollo who came down and started to shoot arrows and kill people. When the Princes learned that Agamemnon was the reason people are dying, they told him to return the girl. He said “Nope.” People got upset with Agamemnon and left him to siege on his own. Achilles almost attacked Agamemnon but was stopped by Athene. Instead he left and said he would be missed when the Greeks fall to the Trojans. Achilles sent heralds to fetch the girl. The heralds arrived at Agamemnon’s tent and he gave up the girl. The girl was returned and the priest prayed that Apollo might stop his plague since the girl was returned. Achilles then cried to his mother Thetis. Thetis asked Zeus to let the Trojans start winning so that Achilles would be missed by the Greeks and honored. Zeus is concerned this will upset his wife because she thinks he favors the Trojans too much already. Zeus sent a dream to Agamemnon to trick him into thinking he could take Troy. There seems to be much fighting amongst humans that gets solved by the gods.

Bibliography: The Iliad retold by Alfred J. Church (1907). Link

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