Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Reading Notes: Adam and Eve Part A

King James Bible (1611): Genesis 1-3. found on website

God created man in his own image, the way he wanted us to be created. He gave mankind everything he created. He spent 6 days creating everything before taking a break. He gave mankind free will to do anything they wished, except for one rule: Do not eat from one tree. A serpent convinces the humans (Adam and Eve) to eat from the forbidden tree. After eating from the tree, Adam and Eve began making clothes and hiding from their maker.

 The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg found on website

Adam was created like a man of twenty years of age and was a large, developed man. There were few in later generations who measured up to Adam. Even Eve is compared to an ape when next to Adam. Adam is that handsome. As God created animals, Adam named each one. Adam even named himself. When all the angels came to give reverence to Adam, Satan the greatest of all refused because he was jealous. Satan demanded a competition with Adam and lost by a landslide. Satan was a sore loser and was kicked out of heaven. This created the rivalry between Satan and man. Adam’s wife kept disappearing and preferred punishment over living with Adam. Because a woman created separately from Adam refused to live with Adam, Adam’s wife was created from Adam himself. Eve was created. Adam exaggerated the forbidden tree and told Eve she could not even touch it or she’d die. The serpent tricked Eve by pushing her into the tree so she’d touch the tree. When it didn’t kill her, the serpent convinced her Adam had lied and that she could even eat from the tree. This was the downfall of man. Man was punished, as well as, serpents who were forced out of their upright posture.

Eve giving Adam the forbidden fruit, 
by Lucas Cranach the Elder on Wikipedia

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