Monday, November 28, 2016

Reading Notes: Italian Popular Tales Part B

"Bizarro" © by Dan Piraro found on

There was a father and a son who spent 10 years in school. The teacher finally demanded the father take his son out of school because there was nothing more to teach him. The father threw a grand banquet for this. At this banquet, someone asked that the son tell them of the things that he learned. He said he learned the languages of dogs, frogs, and birds. This made everyone laugh and the father was embarrassed. The father demanded two servants kill the son and bring him the heart. The servants did not want to, so instead they killed a dog and brought him the dog’s heart. The son fled and took refuge in a castle. When he arrived dogs all came to the door. The treasurer asked why this was so. The son could understand the dogs who were warning of assassins about to strike the castle. The son warned the treasurer and the assassins were captured that night. The son was rewarded but he left the castle to return in a year. He then came to a city where a daughter of a king was ill because the frog’s croaking was keeping her up. The son listened and determined the daughter threw a cross in the fountain. When the cross was removed, she healed. He was rewarded but too left this city. He went to Rome but on the way picked up 3 companions. They were sleeping when birds came and sang to them. It was odd but the son could understand that they were saying one of them was to be the new Pope. The son was then anointed as Pope. He then sent for the king, treasurer, and his father. He proved to his father he wasn’t lying. The father then begged for forgiveness.

Italian Popular Tales by Thomas Frederick Crane (1885). Link

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