Monday, October 24, 2016

Reading Notes: Persian Tales Part A

A wolf and a lamb are standing in a wooded landscape with a goat behind them
By Wellcome Images found on Wiki

There was once a goat with four children. The mother goat left to collect grass and instructed the children not to open the door for the wolf. The mother said to only open the door for the mother who had a red hand. The wolf overheard this and dyed his hand red. The wolf took 3 of the children and the mother and the fourth child followed. The goat challenged the wolf to a fight. The wolf went to the dentist to sharpen his teeth; however, the dentist pulled them out instead and replaced them with cotton teeth. The goat went to the knife-sharpener and got his horns sharpened. The goat defeated the wolf and everyone went home.

There was a girl who scraped her leg. She needed ointment but did not have any, so she took two eggs to trade for ointment. When she returned she told her story to her aunt. She lost her eggs on the way to town and decided to look for them. One turned into a hen and the other into a cock. When he got to the cock, he asked for the cock and his share of the work the cock had been doing. She received the cock and a share of rice. The cock was carrying the rice and got a sore back. She rubbed a burnt walnut kernel on the cock’s back. This caused a tree to grow out of the cock’s back. She then planted melons underneath the tree. She grew a watermelon, and when she went to cut it, she lost her knife. She then bought a little halim to eat. At the bottom of the bowl was a hair. She pulled the hair out which was actually the leading rope for camels. There were seven camels attached with her knife on the last camel’s tail.

 Persian Talestranslated by D.L.R. Lorimer and E.O. Lorimer and illustrated by Hilda Roberts (1919). Link

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